影片標題: | 短講影片 Talk Video |
影片說明: | 講題 Title: Individual freedom as a fortress 個人自由作為一座堡壘 講者 Speaker: Alain Naze 法國作家,以及布列塔尼高中哲學教授 Writer and Professor of Philosophy, Secondary school in Brittany, France 講者介紹 Introduction of the speaker: Alain Naze,哲學博士,於2010年畢業於法國巴黎第八大學,畢業論文是關於 Walter Benjamin 和 Pier Paolo Pasolini——《時間與敘事》的作品。 目前在布列塔尼的城市──蘭德諾教授哲學,此前他也在東非科摩羅群島上的法國殖民地馬約特島教授哲學三年。他撰寫了幾本著作和許多文章,主要是關於沃爾特·班雅明、米歇爾·傅柯、電影、性別和同性戀議題。 Alain Naze is a Doctor in Philosophy (Paris 8 St-Denis). He graduated in 2010 with a thesis on Walter Benjamin and Pier Paolo Pasolini – « Time and narrative » in their respective works. He is presently teaching philosophy in the good city of Landerneau, in Brittany, after spending three years, teaching philosophy too, on the island of Mayotte, a French colony on the archipelago of the Comoro, East Africa. He wrote several books and many articles, mostly on Walter Benjamin, Michel Foucault, films, gender and gay issues. ※影片為教學使用,在未經原作者與講者同意的情況下,不得隨意引用、轉載、改編或截錄。 ※The video is for teaching purpose and may not be quoted, reproduced, adapted or transcribed without permission of the author and the lecturer. 此檔案由 當下的本體論:我們到底生活在什麼樣的時代? Ontology of the Present: What epoch are we living in?〉線上國際研討會 International Online Conference 課程發佈課程網址 https://ge.ncku.edu.tw/course/view.php?id=5551 |
上傳時間: | 2022-06-24 09:39:08 |
上傳者: | 成大育才網 |
觀看次數: | 0 |
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