影片標題: | 短講影片 Talk Video |
影片說明: | 講題 Title: The challenges of Peace in the face of the new global armed bipolarity 面對新全球武裝兩極化下和平的挑戰 講者 Speaker: José Ángel Ruiz Jiménez 西班牙格拉那德大學歷史學教授 Professor of History, University of Granada, Spain 講者介紹 Introduction of the speaker: Doctor in History from the University of Granada and European Master in Human Rights from the University of Pàdua. He has been a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York between 2006 and 2008. He has also been a visiting professor and researcher at various universities in Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Colombia, United Kingdom, Germany, Palestine, Ukraine, Mexico, Peru and Italy. Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Contemporary History and a member of the Instituto de Paz y Conflictos (Institute of Peace and Conflicts) of the University of Granada. 格拉那達大學歷史博士和帕多瓦大學歐洲人權碩士。 2006年至2008年在紐約城市大學約翰傑刑事司法學院任教授。他還曾在塞爾維亞、波斯尼亞和赫塞哥維納、哥倫比亞、英國、德國、巴勒斯坦、烏克蘭、墨西哥、秘魯和義大利等多所大學擔任客座教授和研究員。目前,他是格拉那達大學當代歷史系教授和Instituto de Paz y Conflictos(和平與衝突研究所)成員。 ※影片為教學使用,在未經原作者與講者同意的情況下,不得隨意引用、轉載、改編或截錄。 ※The video is for teaching purpose and may not be quoted, reproduced, adapted or transcribed without permission of the author and the lecturer. 此檔案由 當下的本體論:我們到底生活在什麼樣的時代? Ontology of the Present: What epoch are we living in?〉線上國際研討會 International Online Conference 課程發佈課程網址 https://ge.ncku.edu.tw/course/view.php?id=5551 |
上傳時間: | 2022-06-24 09:03:07 |
上傳者: | 成大育才網 |
觀看次數: | 0 |
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