影片標題: | 【Video】TU Darmstadt Asia Office @ NCKU Celebrates 1st Anniversary |
影片說明: | National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan and the Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDa), Germany jointly hosted a 1-Year–Celebration of the TU Darmstadt Asia Office @ NCKU through a two-day event. On May 7th, the NCKU-TUDa-Bosch Joint Workshop mapped out a study program combining exchange at the partner university and an internship at Bosch in Taipei, all made possible by a scholarship program; and on the other hand stimulated scientific cooperation and its applications in advanced industry. On May 8th, NCKU, TUDa and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) together explored possibilities and funding for faculty’s research plans and students’ overseas study. |
影片分類: | 校園新聞 |
上傳時間: | 2020-06-01 09:43:19 |
上傳者: | 秘書室新聞中心 |
觀看次數: | 585 |
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