影片標題: | 【Episode107】- Student Anchor:Sandy Chiu |
影片說明: | 1.Bank SinoPac Donates 120 Million to NCKU to Create “Atelier Future” 2.NCKU VR Technology Creates Sword Lion Fantasy in Tainan Museum Festival 3.Explore Hakka Lifestyle and Handmade Activities in Hakka Week Debut in NCKU 4.Senior Journalist Shu-Chin Peng Inspires Student Anchors’ with News Production Skills |
影片分類: | 校園新聞 |
上傳時間: | 2017-06-22 08:46:17 |
上傳者: | 秘書室新聞中心 |
觀看次數: | 2377 |
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