影片標題: | 【Episode100】- Student Anchor :Brian Kao |
影片說明: | 1.NCKU, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital sign collaboration agreement for academic cooperation Devoting efforts to raise medical research standards 2.National Applied Research Laboratories Collaborate with NCKU Building up Academic-Industrial Research & Development Platform for Low-Carbon Green Energy in Southern Taiwan 3.NCKU Offers International Volunteers Program in Houjia Junior High School Micro-Service for the Community 4.NCKU Museum of History takes on a new look, restarted with a new mission |
影片分類: | 校園新聞 |
上傳時間: | 2017-03-14 09:32:10 |
上傳者: | 秘書室新聞中心 |
觀看次數: | 2095 |
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