影片標題: | 【影音】Knowledge King of Social Science at NCKU (經濟系107級黃筠捷) |
影片說明: | The second edition of knowledge king of social science kicked off on May 9th at National Cheng Kung University. Knowledge King is the most significant event of NCKU social science week. Starting from May 8th to May 12th, social science week has reached its second year. A series of event including big eaters and lectures is held through this week. According to the event organizer, the goal of this event is to let the college of social science be seen by NCKU students in general. Through this creative and knowledgeable contest, not only did the students gain knowledge outside their own department, but they also fully enjoyed the fun in knowledge. |
影片分類: | 校園新聞 |
上傳時間: | 2016-05-17 11:36:07 |
上傳者: | 秘書室新聞中心 |
觀看次數: | 2932 |
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