影片標題: | 【影音】Shoe Donation Held at NCKU(醫學系108級劉書寧) |
影片說明: | A shoe donation activity is held from April 17 th to April 18 th at the Banyan Garden of NCKU. The students cooperate with Step30, an organization dedicated to collect used shoes to Uganda, Kenya and other countries of African where people, walking in bare feet, are under threat of infection of Tungiasis. Not all shoes are available, though. Those which are not suitable in the weather and mountainous areas of Africa are not recommended. The students promote the activity through Facebook page, and they also invite people from Step30 to give a talk on the project. More than a thousand pairs of shoes are collected and will be sent to those people in need. |
影片分類: | 校園新聞 |
上傳時間: | 2016-05-05 10:04:56 |
上傳者: | 秘書室新聞中心 |
觀看次數: | 2571 |
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